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Authors |
Ivchenkov Sergey Grigor'evich, Doctor of sociological sciences, professor, head of sub-department of youth sociology, Saratov National Research State University named after N. G. Chernyshevsky (83 Astrakhanskaya street, Saratov, Russia), ivchenkovsg@mail.ru
Ivchenkova Mariya Sergeevna, Candidate of sociological sciences, research worker, department of social structure, the Institute of Sociology of RAS (building 5, 24/35 Krzhizhanovskogo street, Moscow, Russia), m.ivchenkova@gmail.com
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Abstract |
Background. Computerization of both professional and everyday life doesn’t just affect the life of the population, especially young people. It has an impact on the nature of communication between people, social groups. Internet communication of young people contributes to penetration of specific terms, computer jargon and other borrowings from networks into their speech. The aim of this study is to identify the degree of prevalence of the network slang among the Saratov youth and its social functions.
Materials and methods. Empirically the research was based on results of the youth poll in Saratov.
Results. The study has revealed a high incidence of the network slang, not only in the Internet communication of young people, but also its rapid penetration into the everyday life of young people.
Conclusions. The study has revealed that the network performs a variety of functions and the slang serves not only to accelerate the exchange of information, but also as a tool of integration, identification, expression of emotions and creative attitude of the youth to reality. However, in the view of young people, it should be consumed in doses, because it brings disharmony between generations.
Key words |
computerization, Internet, network slang, youth, social functions
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References |
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